Unified Native Liquidity Across All Blockchains: The Power of zkMIPS
By Mubbie

In the decentralized space, blockchain interoperability and fragmented liquidity remain serious challenges. To tackle these issues, ZKM introduced the Entangled Rollup Network; a revolutionary innovation that utilizes zkMIPS to ensure blockchains to share native assets without introducing additional security risks.

Introducing zkMIPS: Easy-to-Extend and Versatile

At the center of ZKM's innovation is zkMIPS, an advanced zero-knowledge virtual machine (zkVM). Its adaptable design supports Ethereum Geth and a range of programming languages, including Rust, C, and Go. This extensive compatibility enables developers to build diverse blockchain applications, expanding the possibilities within the decentralized space.

Entangled Rollup: No Risk Assumption

ZKM's Entangled Rollup mechanism is a vehicle to secure and efficient blockchain interoperability. It facilitates the consensus of different blockchains by proving and relaying their agreements without necessitating additional consensus assumptions. This mechanism ensures a seamless and trustless connection between otherwise incompatible blockchains, creating unified native liquidity and messaging.

A Universal Settlement Network: Generalizability at Its Core

The concept of the Universal Settlement Network, powered by zkMIPS, allows integrated blockchains to interoperate effortlessly. This network supports the flow of native liquidity across diverse ecosystems, providing a universal platform for blockchain settlements. The zkVM’s general-purpose nature ensures that computation results generated by untrusted users are verifiably valid, maintaining the integrity and security of the network.

zkMIPS Overview

zkMIPS stands out as a general-purpose zkVM, designed as a verifiable computing platform to authenticate computation results from any application or system using MIPS assembly language instructions. These verifications generate validity proofs that are validated within the Universal Settlement Network, ensuring trust and security across the board.

Use Cases of zkMIPS and the Entangled Rollup Network

1. Hybrid Rollup:

   - Experience near-instant withdrawals with ZK validity proof for all Layer 2 solutions. This ensures faster and more secure transactions, enhancing user experience and trust.

2. Entangled Rollup:

   - Seamlessly connect incompatible blockchains, allowing for unified native liquidity and messaging without trust issues. This promotes a more interconnected and efficient blockchain ecosystem.

Building with zkMIPS: Embrace Open-Source Innovation

ZKM enables developers to explore and build with its open-source zkVM tech stack. By leveraging zkMIPS, developers can help shape the future of blockchain technology, creating innovative solutions that benefit the entire ecosystem.

ZKM Proving Service: Breaking Down Proof Generation Barriers

Generating proofs locally can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. ZKM's Proving Service offers a robust alternative, allowing users to generate proofs seamlessly and efficiently without needing extensive hardware.

1. Reduce Proving Time and Scale Your Proof Generation:

   - Offload the computational stress of proof generation to ZkVM service, ensuring reliable performance in a fraction of the time. This enables developers to focus on developing impactful use cases.

2. Request Proofs Directly from the Proving Service:

   - ZKM's proving service provides fast execution and access to high-performance servers capable of handling the rigorous demands of proof generation. This ensures that users can rely on timely and accurate proofs for their applications.


zkMIPS and the Entangled Rollup Network are giant steps towards achieving seamless blockchain interoperability and unified native liquidity. By leveraging advanced zkVM technology and a robust proving services, ZKM is paving the way for a more connected and efficient blockchain future. Embrace the power of zkMIPS and join the ZKM team in building the next generation of blockchain applications.