Entangled Rollups - An Overview
by Ben

Here, we begin to examine a trust-minimized multi-chain infrastructure called Entangled Rollups, an interoperability network designed to facilitate what we term as 'Universal Settlement', where transactions across blockchains are finalized in such a way that is universally recognized and immutable.

In blockchain terminology, settlement traditionally refers to the point where a transaction is fully processed and irreversible. Settlement times are crucial as they determine when assets can be safely withdrawn and reallocated without the risk of reversal. By extending this concept across all blockchains, Universal Settlement guarantees that operations conducted on one blockchain can be validated and executed on any other, seamlessly and securely.

Typically, achieving interoperability across separate blockchain networks involves reliance on centralized third-party 'bridges' to mediate transactions, introducing potential vulnerabilities in security and trust. Entangled Rollups eliminate these concerns by directly connecting blockchains within a decentralized framework, thus enabling direct and secure communication between previously incompatible networks without involving intermediaries. Moreover, the profusion of protocols that have attempted to solve this problem of incompatibility has not only made for a highly perplexing environment for users to try to navigate, but these protocols each contain certain implicit flaws and trade-offs that can only be bypassed with a solution that integrates seamlessly with the underlying architecture of blockchains themselves, thereby maintaining their intrinsic properties of decentralization and security.

Entangled Rollups achieve Universal Settlement by enabling independent blockchains to interact through their respective interconnected Layer 2 Rollups, which facilitate the synchronization of state changes across chains. This ensures seamless and secure transfers of information and value, without compromising the principles inherent to the underlying blockchains. This is achieved through the utilization of sophisticated cryptographic techniques, including state-of-the-art recursive zero-knowledge proofs, to ensure that all transactions are processed with utmost security and efficiency. These proofs, which are generated by our zkMIPS, verify the accuracy and completeness of transactions across blockchains, maintaining their integrity and enabling a truly decentralized verification process.

zkMIPS, a general-purpose zero-knowledge virtual machine, is designed to be compatible with different blockchain virtual machines, enabling Entangled Rollups to function across any blockchain infrastructure. By leveraging zkMIPS, Entangled Rollups can facilitate universal interoperability, ensuring that computations verified on one blockchain are recognized and executable on any other. The operation can be outlined in several key steps. Transactions start in the source L2, where zkMIPS generates a zero-knowledge proof of the transaction’s validity. This proof is then verified on the source L1, ensuring the transaction adheres to all blockchain-specific rules before it affects state changes. The verified transaction triggers corresponding actions on the destination chain, such as asset minting or contract state updates, based on the initial action on the source chain.

Analogous to the synchronicity found in quantum entangled particles, this mechanism ensures that actions in one blockchain environment can seamlessly trigger corresponding reactions in another, enabling instant state changes across networks in a seemingly indivisible manner. This facilitates a level of compatibility previously deemed infeasible due to the diverse nature of blockchain platforms and their respective virtual machines.

A key aspect of this design is the ability to address the pervasive issue of liquidity fragmentation in the blockchain ecosystem. By enabling more fluid and less fragmented liquidity pools, Entangled Rollups can significantly lower barriers for user and developer engagement across multiple chains, simplifying both onboarding and inter-chain operations. This breakthrough in liquidity management opens up new possibilities for blockchain applications, promoting a more inclusive and dynamic multi-chain environment where resources are optimized and more readily accessible. We're entering a new era of fluid cross-chain operations, enabling frictionless access to a vast spectrum of decentralized services and assets, culminating in a vastly more efficient user experience.

As more blockchains adopt and integrate this system, we can anticipate an increasingly connected and fluid ecosystem, where transactions and interactions across chains are as straightforward and secure as those within a single chain. This progress will broaden the scope of blockchain applications, driving innovation and adoption.

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