Entangled Rollups - Analogical Examples
by Ben

Here, we look at some examples of how the core concepts of Entangled Rollups can be understood by analogy. Think of two tamper-proof databases or digital spreadsheets (picture Excel-like spreadsheets), which each comprise independent records of economic activity. These spreadsheets are hosted on separate computer networks with incompatible operating systems, making it very difficult to integrate them, and users face significant challenges when they wish to perform transactions that would affect both spreadsheets. Many attempts to bridge these disparate databases involve aggregating transactions into a third-party spreadsheet. This method, however, introduces several significant issues. First, it adds a layer of complexity to the interaction between the databases, as all transactions must pass through this intermediary. This slows down the process, making it more cumbersome for users and prone to errors.

Second, centralizing data validation in this manner creates a single point of failure. If the intermediary spreadsheet is compromised, the entire system becomes vulnerable, potentially leading to data breaches or manipulation. In the context of blockchain, this intermediary role is typically played by what is known as a cross-chain bridge, which faces similar risks of centralization and security vulnerabilities.

zkMIPS offers a more direct method to process updates on one spreadsheet and send a proof of the processed data to update the other. Instead of relying on a centralized third-party intermediary, zkMIPS processes updates on one spreadsheet and generates a cryptographic proof of these changes, ensuring that only verified data is transmitted. This proof can then be securely transmitted to the second spreadsheet, ensuring that the updates are accurately reflected. Think of this as a highly secure API connection, where updates are only allowed if accompanied by a valid proof, ensuring accurate and secure reflections of changes on both spreadsheets. zkMIPS functions similarly in blockchain, generating proofs that securely update state changes, ensuring that each blockchain reflects the correct state without relying on an intermediary, making cross-chain transactions friction-free and more reliable.

To elucidate this mechanism by analogy even further, we can think of it as having a highly secure lock on data entry: only transactions that pass through this lock (i.e. that are validated) are allowed to update the spreadsheets. Before any update on one spreadsheet is reflected on the other, the data undergoes validation to ensure its accuracy and authenticity. This process mirrors how transactions in blockchain are submitted and validated using proofs. zkMIPS leverages these proofs to guarantee that only legitimate transactions are processed, thereby maintaining a high level of trust and security in the system. This means users can be confident that all updates are accurate and tamper-proof, ensuring the integrity of both spreadsheets. Entangled Rollups extend this concept by enabling a network of interconnected spreadsheets to communicate directly using proofs, regardless of differences in the computer operating systems on which the databases exist. This networking creates a more efficient and secure unified economic system, allowing data to flow seamlessly across all interconnected spreadsheets. 

In the context of blockchain, entangled rollups allow multiple blockchains to maintain synchronized states. Each blockchain can process transactions independently while still being able to validate and incorporate changes from other blockchains in the network. This network of interconnected blockchains functions as a unified economic system, where data integrity and security are maintained across the entire network. Additionally, this design uses succinct proofs for handling large volumes of updates efficiently without overloading either spreadsheet with unnecessary data, which illustrates how entangled rollups enable scalable and efficient cross-chain communication in blockchain. Each blockchain or spreadsheet in this network can grow and manage increased activity without being bogged down by unnecessary data or the complexities of third-party validation.

Furthermore, entangled rollups enable unified liquidity across multiple blockchains. Think of each spreadsheet as having its own pool of resources, such as capital or assets. Traditionally, users would need to move these resources manually between spreadsheets, a process that is costly, time-consuming and error-prone. With entangled rollups, these pools of resources can be seamlessly accessed and shared across all interconnected spreadsheets. This unified liquidity ensures that resources are optimally utilized, reducing friction and increasing efficiency for users who need to operate across multiple economic systems.

Now let’s abstract this analogy even further. Consider a multinational corporation with separate financial systems for each country it operates in. Each system (or database) manages transactions locally but needs to share and update information with other systems to maintain global financial coherence. Traditionally, this would require a central authority to aggregate and verify transactions, leading to delays and potential vulnerabilities. If the central system is compromised, it can disrupt the entire network, exposing it to risks of data breaches and manipulation.

With entangled rollups, each country’s system can directly and securely update the global financial records through cryptographic proofs. For instance, when a financial transaction is completed in one country, a cryptographic proof of this transaction is generated. This proof is then securely transmitted to other financial systems within the corporation's network. Each receiving system can independently verify the proof and update its records accordingly, without needing to trust a central authority. This process ensures real-time, accurate, and secure data synchronization. As a result, financial data across the multinational corporation remains consistent and up-to-date. If a financial transaction occurs in the European branch, the systems in the American and Asian branches will reflect this change almost instantly, maintaining global coherence. By leveraging Entangled Rollups, the multinational corporation can achieve a seamless, secure, and efficient financial operation, ensuring that all parts of the organization are synchronized and up-to-date in real-time.

Similarly to these analogies, Entangled Rollups offer a uniquely optimized solution for cross-blockchain communication, transforming fragmented systems into a singularly unified, efficient network. By leveraging zkMIPS within an Entangled Rollup architecture, we can achieve seamless synchronization and enhanced security across multiple blockchains.