Decoding History: The Story of Cryptography - Part 3
By Ben

Part 3: How Computers Unlocked New Dimensions in Cryptography

The Prelude to a Revolution

The mid-20th century heralded a seismic shift in cryptography, a discipline that had, until then, evolved over millennia but remained grounded in manual, mechanical processes. The aftermath of World War II and the onset of the Cold War presented complex challenges and demands for secure communication, leading to a revolution that would fundamentally transform cryptography: the emergence of digital computers.

The Architectural Foundations

Before diving into the heart of the computer revolution in cryptography, it's essential to understand the architectural and theoretical foundations laid by pioneers whose work would directly influence the development of cryptographic computing.

Alan Turing's Vision: As touched on in the previous part, Alan Turing's conceptualization of the universal machine (later known as the Turing machine) provided a theoretical framework for the computer. His work during World War II on cryptographic machines like the Bombe, designed to decrypt the German Enigma, highlighted the potential of automated computation in cryptography.

Claude Shannon's Information Theory: Almost simultaneously, Claude Shannon laid the groundwork for digital communication and cryptography with his landmark paper, "A Mathematical Theory of Communication”. Shannon's work introduced key concepts such as information entropy and redundancy, crucial for understanding the security of cryptographic systems.

The Rise of Electronic Computing

The transition from mechanical to electronic computing machines marked a pivotal point in cryptography. Early computers like ENIAC, developed primarily for complex ballistic calculations, soon demonstrated their potential for cryptographic applications.

From ENIAC to UNIVAC: The development of ENIAC, and later UNIVAC, showcased the power of electronic processing. These machines were capable of performing calculations at unprecedented speeds and of executing tasks essential for encryption and decryption.

Cryptography in the Age of Digital Computers

With the advent of digital computers, cryptography began to change dramatically. The ability to process complex algorithms rapidly and the introduction of computer-generated random numbers for cryptographic keys opened new avenues for secure communication.

Symmetric Cryptography's Evolution: The use of digital computers enabled the enhancement of symmetric (or secret-key) cryptography, allowing for more complex encryption methods. The Data Encryption Standard (DES), introduced in the 1970s, exemplified the use of computers in developing a cryptographic standard that would secure digital information on a global scale.

Public Key Cryptography

The conceptual leap towards public key cryptography, though not realized until the late 1970s, was made possible by the advancements in digital computing. The limitations of symmetric cryptography, particularly the challenges of secure key exchange over unsecured channels, highlighted the need for a new approach.

Setting the Stage for Diffie, Hellman, and Merkle: It was in this environment of burgeoning digital technology and escalating security needs that Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, and Ralph Merkle began their work. Their efforts would culminate in the introduction of public key cryptography, a revolutionary concept that promised to solve the dilemma of key distribution and secure communication in the emerging digital world.

Moving into a completely New Era 

The advent of digital computing has brought about completely novel cryptographic methods, bringing innovations that will define the future. In the next part, we will further explore public key cryptography, a breakthrough that addresses the challenges of secure key exchange, and begin to touch on the origins of blockchain technology and zero-knowledge; cutting-edge developments that continue to redefine our digital world.