The ‘Why’ of zkMIPS
by Ben

Here, we explore the philosophical framework of 'DAC Economy', initiated by ZKM Chief Scientist Ming Guo. This work seeks to explain the 'why' of zkMIPS, revealing the motivations and principles behind its development, and the crucial part it's designed to play in the broader vision of a self-sustaining decentralized economy (SSDE).

To the detriment of the populace majority, internet and financial systems have become increasingly centralized, dominated by a few large corporations. Blockchain technologies offer us a viable alternative to our existing systems, with their decentralized consensus, permissionless security, and censorship-resistant functionality. However, whilst we've undoubtedly made significant strides towards a decentralized future, it's very clear that we're still yet to realize the full potential of these technologies. In their present form, blockchain systems often perpetuate the division and inequality of the centralized power structures they were originally intended to eliminate. DAC Economy proposes a total transformation of our current social constructs and monetary systems, instead gearing towards an economic system based on 'real value' by autonomously and equitably rewarding a broad spectrum of community contributions through decentralized protocols.

This is part of the broader SSDE vision; a truly democratic digital governance model that inherently encourages efficient and sustainable practices. A crucial step towards creating an SSDE is in addressing the present fragmentation of blockchain systems, which is where zkMIPS enters the picture. Recognizing the inadequacies of existing interoperability solutions, we developed zkMIPS to facilitate a deep, trustless connectivity between disparate blockchains through our Entangled Rollups network. As a key component of this network, zkMIPS enables blockchain platforms to operate as a single, cohesive unit, entirely bypassing the need for traditional bridging mechanisms and culminating in a vastly safer and frictionless user experience. This could be key to mass adoption, bringing much needed coherence to the decentralized internet and providing a truly secure economic foundation on which an SSDE can be built.

DAC Economy is inspired by the idea that, just as in nature, our technological and economic systems should not force or incentivize individuals into roles or behaviors that compromise their wellbeing or autonomy. Instead, our systems should, by design, encourage living in such a way that is harmonious with our nature, supporting our inherent human needs and inspiring activities that align with our individual health and happiness. Human systems should reflect the balance, resilience and intrinsic patterns of natural ecosystems, where each element supports and sustains the whole. There is no central authority in nature; instead, countless interactions between diverse and indivisible entities create a balanced and self-regulating environment. We aim to mirror this efficiency in economic terms by constructing a blockchain infrastructure that acts as a broader societal framework for promoting value creation over value extraction.

The endgame is a highly efficient, secure, and self-sustaining decentralized economy, that is carefully designed to facilitate the responsible gathering and equitable distribution of resources by our artificially intelligent technologies, entirely directed by our shared communal governance, cultivating a balanced, self-regulating and wholesome human environment. The endgame is an autonomous infrastructure that's design is firmly rooted in supporting the total wellbeing of each and every human being, regardless of background or status.