The Fiat-Shamir Transformation: Enabling Non-Interactive Proofs
by Emzo


The Fiat-Shamir heuristic, introduced in 1986, allows transforming multi-round interactive proof systems into non-interactive protocols secured by hash functions. It became an important building block enabling the broad adoption of digital signatures, cryptocurrencies, authentication and zero-knowledge protocols.

Interactive Proofs

Interactive proofs involve back-and-forth communication between the Prover, possessing secret data, and the Verifier, who wants to check if the data satisfies certain statements. The Prover performs computations on the data and sends an initial proof message. The Verifier replies with a “challenge” — a randomly generated value. Upon receiving the challenge, the Prover computes a response based on both the secret data and the challenge just received. This interactive loop between the Prover and Verifier lasts for several rounds, after which the Verifier comes to a final decision whether the proof checks out.

The Fiat-Shamir Transformation

Removing Interaction

The main idea behind Fiat-Shamir is to convert interactive protocols requiring multiple rounds of live challenge-response interaction into non-interactive versions, which don’t require direct participation of the Verifier. This is achieved by using a cryptographic hash function that generates pseudo-random output modeled as the Verifier’s challenge. The Prover calculates the hash locally over previous message data instead of waiting for an actual challenge.

Cryptographic Hash Functions

The security of the Fiat-Shamir conversion relies on hash functions that possess randomness properties to generate unpredictable challenge values. This prevents a dishonest Prover from pre-computing responses or manipulating outcomes. Cryptographic hash functions like SHA2 or SHA3 that offer collision-resistance and one-wayness provide the needed security properties. Their outputs modeled as Verifier’s challenges are computationally infeasible for the Prover to anticipate or control.

Security Model

The Fiat-Shamir transform preserves the security properties of the original interactive proof system if applied with a properly selected hash function. Specifically, if cheating strategies exist for the converted proof scheme, then cheating strategies would also exist for the original scheme with computational Verifier. This security model known as the “random oracle model” formalizes that hash functions can be reasonably modeled as random oracles in analyzing protocols’ properties.


Protocols based on Fiat-Shamir offer faster verification and enable transferring interactive schemes into decentralized environments:

Authentication — Fiat-Shamir allows converting interactive challenge-response authentication flows into non-interactive signature schemes secured by hashing. The converted signatures can be self-verified locally.

Cryptocurrencies — Fiat-Shamir heuristic enables generating key pairs, public keys, addresses and digital signatures required for Bitcoin and many other blockchain platforms by hashing instead of relying on a central authority.

Zero-Knowledge — Non-interactive zero knowledge proofs, widely used in blockchain privacy solutions, often rely on Fiat-Shamir for scalable yet secure proofs generation without multiple rounds of interaction.


The revolutionary Fiat-Shamir transformation enabled mass adoption of digital signatures, cryptocurrencies and zero-knowledge protocols by replacing interactive verification with efficient hashing. The heuristic is an indispensable tool that shaped foundational security technologies of the digital age.