Lookup Argument in Zero-Knowledge Proofs
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  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Preliminaries
    • 2.1 Schwartz–Zippel Lemma
    • 2.2 Product Consistency Checking Principle
    • 2.3 Multiset Equality Checking
  • 3. Transformation Between Polynomials and Sets
    • 3.1 Polynomial Protocol
    • 3.2 Lagrange Selection Polynomials
    • 3.3 Relationship Between Polynomials and Set Partitioning
      • 3.3.1 Polynomial Representation in a Multiplicative Group
      • 3.3.2 Bivariate Polynomials
  • 4. Plookup Argument Principle
  • 5. Conclusion

1 Introduction

Lookup Argument is an important cryptographic primitive used to prove that elements of one set (or structured objects like polynomials) belong to another precomputed set or structure. It plays a crucial role in zero-knowledge proof systems by enforcing data consistency and constraints without revealing sensitive information.In the context of zkVM applications, the Lookup Argument is used for efficiently verifying the inclusion relationship between inputs and precomputed tables. This is particularly important in the following scenarios:

In the context of zkVM applications, the Lookup Argument is used for efficiently verifying the inclusion relationship between inputs and precomputed tables. This is particularly important in the following scenarios:

  • Circuit-based proofs: Ensuring that input values satisfy specific constraints, such as in arithmetic circuits.
  • Range proofs: Verifying whether a value falls within a specific range.
  • Precomputed tables: Proving that a private input belongs to an approved set, such as a lookup table.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Schwartz–Zippel Lemma

Let $P$ be an $n$-variate polynomial over a finite field $F$, given by $P = F\left( x_{1},...,x_{n} \right)$, with degree $d$. Let $S$ be a subset of $F$, and let $r_{1},...,r_{n}$ be randomly chosen from $S$. Then, the probability that the polynomial evaluates to zero is negligible:

$$\Pr\left\lbrack P\left( r_{1},...,r_{n} \right) = 0 \right\rbrack \leq \frac{d}{|S|}$$

In the univariate case, a polynomial of degree $d$ has at most $d$ roots.

2.2 Product Consistency Checking Principle

Given coefficients $a_{1},...,a_{n}$ of a polynomial over a finite field $F$, coefficients $b_{1},...,b_{n}$ of another polynomial $g$, and a subset $H = \{ x_{1},...,x_{n}\} \subset F$:

1. If the elements of the two sets $\{ a_{i}\},i = 1,...,n$ and $\{ b_{i}\},i = 1,...,n$ are equal (i.e., $a_{i} = b_{i},\forall i \in \lbrack n\rbrack$), then their product values are equal:

$$\prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}a_{i} = \prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}b_{i}$$

2. Conversely, if $\prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}a_{i} = \prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}b_{i}$, then, according to the Schwartz--Zippel Lemma, a polynomial can be constructed:

$$P\left( X_{1},...,X_{n} \right)\  = \ \prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}\left( X_{i} - a_{i} \right) = 0$$

The probability that $P\left( X_{1},...,X_{n} \right)$ evaluates to zero over randomly chosen values from $H$ is negligible.

Thus, if $P\left( X_{1},...,X_{n} \right) = 0$, then $\left( b_{1},...,b_{n} \right)$ is a solution, meaning the elements in both sets are equal $a_{i} = b_{i},\forall i \in \lbrack n\rbrack$. Consequently, the polynomials $F$ and $g$ are equal.

2.3 Multiset Equality Checking

By introducing a random number, the product consistency checking principle can be transformed into a more useful tool: multiset equality checking.

Given two vectors $\overrightarrow{a} = \left( a_{1},...,a_{n} \right)$ and $\overrightarrow{b} = \left( b_{1},...,b_{n} \right)$, the goal is to verify whether they contain the same elements, even if they appear in different orders or with different multiplicities.

Reduction from Multiset Equality to Product Consistency: The verifier $V$ selects a random number $\gamma \in F$ and checks the following equality for the randomly transformed vectors $a'\  = \ a + \gamma$, $b'\  = \ b + \gamma$ (where $\gamma$ is added to all coordinates):

$$\prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}\left( a_{i} + \gamma \right) = \prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}\left( b_{i} + \gamma \right)$$

By the Schwartz-Zippel Lemma, unless $a'$ and $b'$ are identical multisets, the probability that the above equation holds is negligible.

3 Transformation Between Polynomials and Sets

3.1 Polynomial Protocol

The prover $P$ sends a degree-$d$ polynomial to a trusted third party $I$ (using $P$'s polynomial commitment). After the protocol execution, the verifier $V$ queries the trusted third party $I$: does the degree-$d$ secret input polynomial defined on the set $H$ satisfy a specific property with respect to the publicly known precomputed polynomial? This is equivalent to $V$ checking whether a quotient polynomial exists, which is the same as verifying the correctness of a randomly opened point. Given fixed integers $d,D,t,l$ and a set $H \subset F$:

  1. Public precomputed polynomials $t_{1},...,t_{l} \in F_{d}\lbrack X\rbrack$ and initialization polynomials $g_{1},...,g_{l} \in F_{d}\lbrack X\rbrack$ are known.
  2. The prover $P$ interacts with the trusted third party $I$ via a secret polynomial $f \in F_{d}\lbrack X\rbrack$ (committed by $P$).
  3. The verifier $V$ sends a random number $\alpha$ to the prover $P$.
  4. After protocol execution, the prover $P$ sends the polynomials $f_{1},...,f_{t}$ to the trusted third party $I$ (revealing polynomial evaluations and quotient polynomial commitments).

The verifier $V$ then queries the trusted third party $I$ to check whether the polynomials $f_{1},...,f_{t},g_{1},...,g_{l}$ satisfy a given functional relation over $H$:

$$F(X) = G\left( \alpha,X,h_{1}\left( v_{1}(X) \right),...,h_{M}\left( v_{M}(X) \right) \right) \equiv 0$$

where $h_{i} \in \{ f_{1},...,f_{t},g_{1},...,g_{l}\}$, $G \in F_{d}\left\lbrack X,X_{1},...,X_{M} \right\rbrack$, and $v_{1},...,v_{M} \in F_{d}\lbrack X\rbrack$, ensuring $F \in F_{< D}\lbrack X\rbrack$ (equivalent to verifying the existence of a quotient polynomial).

Once the verifier $V$ receives the result from the trusted third party $I$, it either accepts or rejects.

3.2 Lagrange Selection Polynomials

In the polynomial protocol above, let $H$ be a multiplicative subgroup of order $N$ with generator $g$. For $i \in \lbrack N\rbrack$, define the $i$-th Lagrange polynomial $L_{i} \in F_{< N}\lbrack X\rbrack$ satisfying:

  • $L_{i}\left( g^{j} \right) = 1$ if $i = j$
  • $L_{i}\left( g^{j} \right) = 0$ if $i \neq j$

For $x \in H$, requiring $L_{i}(x)f(x) = 0$ is equivalent to $f\left( g^{i} \right) = 0$.

3.3 Relationship Between Polynomials and Set Partitioning

3.3.1 Polynomial Representation in a Multiplicative Group

For integers $n,d$, and vectors $f \in F^{n},t \in F^{d}$, the notation $f \subset t$ means that $\{ f_{i}\}_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack} \subset \{ t_{i}\}_{i \in \lbrack d\rbrack}$.

Let $H = \{ g,...,g^{n + 1} = 1\}$ be a multiplicative subgroup of order $n + 1$.

If $f \subset t$ and the order of elements in $F$ matches their order in $t$, we say that $F$ is partitioned by $t$.

3.3.2 Bivariate Polynomials

Given vectors $f \in F^{n},t \in F^{d},s \in F^{n + d}$, we define the following two bivariate polynomials $F(\beta,\gamma)$ and $G(\beta,\gamma)$:

$$F(\beta,\gamma)\  = \ (1 + \beta)^{n} \cdot \prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}\left( \gamma + f_{i} \right)\prod_{i \in \lbrack d - 1\rbrack}^{}\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + t_{i} + \beta \cdot t_{i + 1} \right)$$

$$G(\beta,\gamma)\  = \ \prod_{i \in \lbrack n + d - 1\rbrack}^{}\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + s_{i} + \beta \cdot s_{i + 1} \right)$$

Theorem: $F \equiv G$ if and only if $f \subset t$ and $s = (f,t)$ is partitioned by $t$.


1. Case 1: If $f \subset t$ and $s = (f,t)$ is partitioned by $t$:

  1. For each $j \in \lbrack d - 1\rbrack$, there exists an index $i \in \lbrack n + d - 1\rbrack$ such that $\left( t_{j},t_{j + 1} \right) = \left( s_{j},s_{j + 1} \right)$, meaning the corresponding factors in $F$ and $G$ are equal:

    $$\gamma + \frac{t_{i} + \beta \cdot t_{i + 1}}{1 + \beta} = \gamma + \frac{s_{i} + \beta \cdot s_{i + 1}}{1 + \beta}$$
  2. For the complement index $i \in P$, we have $s_{i} = s_{i + 1}$, and the set $\{ s_{i}\}_{i \in P}$ is equal to $\{ f_{i}\}_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}$. The corresponding factors match those in $F$, which implies $F \equiv G$.

2. Case 2: If $F \equiv G$:

  1. For each $i \in \lbrack d - 1\rbrack$, $G$ must contain a factor:

    $$\gamma + \frac{t_{i} + \beta \cdot t_{i + 1}}{1 + \beta} = \gamma + \frac{s_{i} + \beta \cdot s_{i + 1}}{1 + \beta}$$
    By the Schwartz--Zippel lemma, we deduce that $t_{i} = s_{i}$ and $t_{i + 1} = s_{i + 1}$.
  2. For the complement index $j \in \lbrack n + d - 1\rbrack/P'$, there exists $i \in \lbrack n\rbrack$ such that $f_{i} = s_{i}$. Thus, $f \subset t$ and $s = (f,t)$ is partitioned by $t$.

By combining Case 1 and Case 2, the theorem is proven.

4 Plookup Argument Principle

Precomputation: A public and correct table polynomial: $t \in F_{< n + 1}\lbrack X\rbrack$. The lookup table is expressed using polynomial values.

Prover's Input: A secret polynomial: $f \in F_{< n}\lbrack X\rbrack$. The witness is expressed using polynomial values.

1. Polynomial Combination and Partitioning Let $s \in F^{2n + 1}\ $be the combination of polynomials $f\ $and $t$ as $s = (f,t)$ , partitioned by $t$ .\Using two polynomials $h_{1},h_{2} \in F_{< n + 1}\lbrack X\rbrack$ , the polynomial $s$ is expressed as:

$$h_{1}\left( g^{i} \right) = s_{i},\quad i \in \lbrack n + 1\rbrack,\quad h_{2}\left( g^{i} \right) = s_{n + i},\quad i \in \lbrack n + 1\rbrack.$$

2. Polynomial Commitment The prover $P$ computes polynomials $h_{1},h_{2}$ and sends them to the trusted third party $I$ ; ( $P$ commits to $s$ or $h_{1},h_{2}$ using polynomial commitments).

3. Random Number Generation The verifier $V$ selects random numbers $\beta,\gamma \in F$ and sends them to the prover $P$ .

4. Aggregation Polynomial The prover $P\ $computes a polynomial $Z \in F_{< n + 1}\lbrack X\rbrack$ and the function values of the binary polynomial aggregation $F(\beta,\gamma)/G(\beta,\gamma)$ , satisfying the following properties:

$$Z(g) = 1,$$

$$Z\left( g^{i} \right) = \frac{(1 + \beta)^{i - 1} \cdot \prod_{j < i}^{}\left( \gamma + f_{j} \right) \cdot \prod_{1 < j < i}^{}\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + t_{j} + \beta \cdot t_{j + 1} \right)}{\prod_{1 < j < i}^{}\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + s_{j} + \beta \cdot s_{j + 1} \right)\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + s_{n + j} + \beta \cdot s_{n + j + 1} \right)},$$

$$Z\left( g^{n + 1} \right) = 1.$$

The prover $P$ then sends $Z$ to the trusted third party $I$ .

5. Consistency Verification The verifier $V$ checks whether $Z$ satisfies the following consistency conditions (for $x \in H$ ):

$$L_{1}(x)\left( Z(x) - 1 \right) = 0,$$

$$\left( x - g^{n + 1} \right)Z(x)(1 + \beta) \cdot \left( \gamma + f(x) \right)\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + t(x) + \beta \cdot t(g \cdot x) \right) =$$

$$\left( x - g^{n + 1} \right)Z(g \cdot x)\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + h_{1}(x) + \beta \cdot h_{1}(g \cdot x) \right)\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + h_{2}(x) + \beta \cdot h_{2}(g \cdot x) \right),$$

$$L_{n + 1}(x)\left( h_{1}(x) - h_{2}(g \cdot x) \right) = 0,$$

$$L_{n + 1}(x)\left( Z(x) - 1 \right) = 0.$$

If all four conditions hold, the verifier accepts; otherwise, it rejects.

Security and Proof Length Analysis

  • If $\{ t\left( g^{i} \right)\}_{i \in \lbrack n + 1\rbrack} ⊄ \{ f\left( g^{i} \right)\}_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}$ , then an adversary $A$ impersonating the prover $P$ will have a negligible probability of making the verifier $V$ accept.
  • The proof length in this protocol is $5n + 4$ .

Thus, when $F \equiv G$ , it follows that $f \subset t$ . This demonstrates that the prover's witness exists in the publicly correct dataset, ensuring the correctness of input-output constraints and verifying the correctness of the prover's computation.

5 Conclusion

The Lookup Argument has extensive applications in zero-knowledge proofs, including:

  • General Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems: Optimizing constraint verification processes.
  • Scalable Verification: Supporting large datasets or complex computations with minimal overhead.
  • Efficient Membership Testing: Verifying whether private inputs belong to a set of valid values.

The Lookup Argument is a fundamental component of modern cryptographic protocols, enabling efficient and secure membership proofs. By leveraging polynomial commitments, random challenges, and witness generation, it ensures the soundness, completeness, and privacy of the protocol. It plays a crucial role in constructing scalable, robust, and secure zero-knowledge proof systems.

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Lookup Argument in Zero-Knowledge Proofs


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Preliminaries
    • 2.1 Schwartz–Zippel Lemma
    • 2.2 Product Consistency Checking Principle
    • 2.3 Multiset Equality Checking
  • 3. Transformation Between Polynomials and Sets
    • 3.1 Polynomial Protocol
    • 3.2 Lagrange Selection Polynomials
    • 3.3 Relationship Between Polynomials and Set Partitioning
      • 3.3.1 Polynomial Representation in a Multiplicative Group
      • 3.3.2 Bivariate Polynomials
  • 4. Plookup Argument Principle
  • 5. Conclusion

1 Introduction

Lookup Argument is an important cryptographic primitive used to prove that elements of one set (or structured objects like polynomials) belong to another precomputed set or structure. It plays a crucial role in zero-knowledge proof systems by enforcing data consistency and constraints without revealing sensitive information.In the context of zkVM applications, the Lookup Argument is used for efficiently verifying the inclusion relationship between inputs and precomputed tables. This is particularly important in the following scenarios:

In the context of zkVM applications, the Lookup Argument is used for efficiently verifying the inclusion relationship between inputs and precomputed tables. This is particularly important in the following scenarios:

  • Circuit-based proofs: Ensuring that input values satisfy specific constraints, such as in arithmetic circuits.
  • Range proofs: Verifying whether a value falls within a specific range.
  • Precomputed tables: Proving that a private input belongs to an approved set, such as a lookup table.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Schwartz–Zippel Lemma

Let $P$ be an $n$-variate polynomial over a finite field $F$, given by $P = F\left( x_{1},...,x_{n} \right)$, with degree $d$. Let $S$ be a subset of $F$, and let $r_{1},...,r_{n}$ be randomly chosen from $S$. Then, the probability that the polynomial evaluates to zero is negligible:

$$\Pr\left\lbrack P\left( r_{1},...,r_{n} \right) = 0 \right\rbrack \leq \frac{d}{|S|}$$

In the univariate case, a polynomial of degree $d$ has at most $d$ roots.

2.2 Product Consistency Checking Principle

Given coefficients $a_{1},...,a_{n}$ of a polynomial over a finite field $F$, coefficients $b_{1},...,b_{n}$ of another polynomial $g$, and a subset $H = \{ x_{1},...,x_{n}\} \subset F$:

1. If the elements of the two sets $\{ a_{i}\},i = 1,...,n$ and $\{ b_{i}\},i = 1,...,n$ are equal (i.e., $a_{i} = b_{i},\forall i \in \lbrack n\rbrack$), then their product values are equal:

$$\prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}a_{i} = \prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}b_{i}$$

2. Conversely, if $\prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}a_{i} = \prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}b_{i}$, then, according to the Schwartz--Zippel Lemma, a polynomial can be constructed:

$$P\left( X_{1},...,X_{n} \right)\  = \ \prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}\left( X_{i} - a_{i} \right) = 0$$

The probability that $P\left( X_{1},...,X_{n} \right)$ evaluates to zero over randomly chosen values from $H$ is negligible.

Thus, if $P\left( X_{1},...,X_{n} \right) = 0$, then $\left( b_{1},...,b_{n} \right)$ is a solution, meaning the elements in both sets are equal $a_{i} = b_{i},\forall i \in \lbrack n\rbrack$. Consequently, the polynomials $F$ and $g$ are equal.

2.3 Multiset Equality Checking

By introducing a random number, the product consistency checking principle can be transformed into a more useful tool: multiset equality checking.

Given two vectors $\overrightarrow{a} = \left( a_{1},...,a_{n} \right)$ and $\overrightarrow{b} = \left( b_{1},...,b_{n} \right)$, the goal is to verify whether they contain the same elements, even if they appear in different orders or with different multiplicities.

Reduction from Multiset Equality to Product Consistency: The verifier $V$ selects a random number $\gamma \in F$ and checks the following equality for the randomly transformed vectors $a'\  = \ a + \gamma$, $b'\  = \ b + \gamma$ (where $\gamma$ is added to all coordinates):

$$\prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}\left( a_{i} + \gamma \right) = \prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}\left( b_{i} + \gamma \right)$$

By the Schwartz-Zippel Lemma, unless $a'$ and $b'$ are identical multisets, the probability that the above equation holds is negligible.

3 Transformation Between Polynomials and Sets

3.1 Polynomial Protocol

The prover $P$ sends a degree-$d$ polynomial to a trusted third party $I$ (using $P$'s polynomial commitment). After the protocol execution, the verifier $V$ queries the trusted third party $I$: does the degree-$d$ secret input polynomial defined on the set $H$ satisfy a specific property with respect to the publicly known precomputed polynomial? This is equivalent to $V$ checking whether a quotient polynomial exists, which is the same as verifying the correctness of a randomly opened point. Given fixed integers $d,D,t,l$ and a set $H \subset F$:

  1. Public precomputed polynomials $t_{1},...,t_{l} \in F_{d}\lbrack X\rbrack$ and initialization polynomials $g_{1},...,g_{l} \in F_{d}\lbrack X\rbrack$ are known.
  2. The prover $P$ interacts with the trusted third party $I$ via a secret polynomial $f \in F_{d}\lbrack X\rbrack$ (committed by $P$).
  3. The verifier $V$ sends a random number $\alpha$ to the prover $P$.
  4. After protocol execution, the prover $P$ sends the polynomials $f_{1},...,f_{t}$ to the trusted third party $I$ (revealing polynomial evaluations and quotient polynomial commitments).

The verifier $V$ then queries the trusted third party $I$ to check whether the polynomials $f_{1},...,f_{t},g_{1},...,g_{l}$ satisfy a given functional relation over $H$:

$$F(X) = G\left( \alpha,X,h_{1}\left( v_{1}(X) \right),...,h_{M}\left( v_{M}(X) \right) \right) \equiv 0$$

where $h_{i} \in \{ f_{1},...,f_{t},g_{1},...,g_{l}\}$, $G \in F_{d}\left\lbrack X,X_{1},...,X_{M} \right\rbrack$, and $v_{1},...,v_{M} \in F_{d}\lbrack X\rbrack$, ensuring $F \in F_{< D}\lbrack X\rbrack$ (equivalent to verifying the existence of a quotient polynomial).

Once the verifier $V$ receives the result from the trusted third party $I$, it either accepts or rejects.

3.2 Lagrange Selection Polynomials

In the polynomial protocol above, let $H$ be a multiplicative subgroup of order $N$ with generator $g$. For $i \in \lbrack N\rbrack$, define the $i$-th Lagrange polynomial $L_{i} \in F_{< N}\lbrack X\rbrack$ satisfying:

  • $L_{i}\left( g^{j} \right) = 1$ if $i = j$
  • $L_{i}\left( g^{j} \right) = 0$ if $i \neq j$

For $x \in H$, requiring $L_{i}(x)f(x) = 0$ is equivalent to $f\left( g^{i} \right) = 0$.

3.3 Relationship Between Polynomials and Set Partitioning

3.3.1 Polynomial Representation in a Multiplicative Group

For integers $n,d$, and vectors $f \in F^{n},t \in F^{d}$, the notation $f \subset t$ means that $\{ f_{i}\}_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack} \subset \{ t_{i}\}_{i \in \lbrack d\rbrack}$.

Let $H = \{ g,...,g^{n + 1} = 1\}$ be a multiplicative subgroup of order $n + 1$.

If $f \subset t$ and the order of elements in $F$ matches their order in $t$, we say that $F$ is partitioned by $t$.

3.3.2 Bivariate Polynomials

Given vectors $f \in F^{n},t \in F^{d},s \in F^{n + d}$, we define the following two bivariate polynomials $F(\beta,\gamma)$ and $G(\beta,\gamma)$:

$$F(\beta,\gamma)\  = \ (1 + \beta)^{n} \cdot \prod_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}^{}\left( \gamma + f_{i} \right)\prod_{i \in \lbrack d - 1\rbrack}^{}\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + t_{i} + \beta \cdot t_{i + 1} \right)$$

$$G(\beta,\gamma)\  = \ \prod_{i \in \lbrack n + d - 1\rbrack}^{}\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + s_{i} + \beta \cdot s_{i + 1} \right)$$

Theorem: $F \equiv G$ if and only if $f \subset t$ and $s = (f,t)$ is partitioned by $t$.


1. Case 1: If $f \subset t$ and $s = (f,t)$ is partitioned by $t$:

  1. For each $j \in \lbrack d - 1\rbrack$, there exists an index $i \in \lbrack n + d - 1\rbrack$ such that $\left( t_{j},t_{j + 1} \right) = \left( s_{j},s_{j + 1} \right)$, meaning the corresponding factors in $F$ and $G$ are equal:

    $$\gamma + \frac{t_{i} + \beta \cdot t_{i + 1}}{1 + \beta} = \gamma + \frac{s_{i} + \beta \cdot s_{i + 1}}{1 + \beta}$$
  2. For the complement index $i \in P$, we have $s_{i} = s_{i + 1}$, and the set $\{ s_{i}\}_{i \in P}$ is equal to $\{ f_{i}\}_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}$. The corresponding factors match those in $F$, which implies $F \equiv G$.

2. Case 2: If $F \equiv G$:

  1. For each $i \in \lbrack d - 1\rbrack$, $G$ must contain a factor:

    $$\gamma + \frac{t_{i} + \beta \cdot t_{i + 1}}{1 + \beta} = \gamma + \frac{s_{i} + \beta \cdot s_{i + 1}}{1 + \beta}$$
    By the Schwartz--Zippel lemma, we deduce that $t_{i} = s_{i}$ and $t_{i + 1} = s_{i + 1}$.
  2. For the complement index $j \in \lbrack n + d - 1\rbrack/P'$, there exists $i \in \lbrack n\rbrack$ such that $f_{i} = s_{i}$. Thus, $f \subset t$ and $s = (f,t)$ is partitioned by $t$.

By combining Case 1 and Case 2, the theorem is proven.

4 Plookup Argument Principle

Precomputation: A public and correct table polynomial: $t \in F_{< n + 1}\lbrack X\rbrack$. The lookup table is expressed using polynomial values.

Prover's Input: A secret polynomial: $f \in F_{< n}\lbrack X\rbrack$. The witness is expressed using polynomial values.

1. Polynomial Combination and Partitioning Let $s \in F^{2n + 1}\ $be the combination of polynomials $f\ $and $t$ as $s = (f,t)$ , partitioned by $t$ .\Using two polynomials $h_{1},h_{2} \in F_{< n + 1}\lbrack X\rbrack$ , the polynomial $s$ is expressed as:

$$h_{1}\left( g^{i} \right) = s_{i},\quad i \in \lbrack n + 1\rbrack,\quad h_{2}\left( g^{i} \right) = s_{n + i},\quad i \in \lbrack n + 1\rbrack.$$

2. Polynomial Commitment The prover $P$ computes polynomials $h_{1},h_{2}$ and sends them to the trusted third party $I$ ; ( $P$ commits to $s$ or $h_{1},h_{2}$ using polynomial commitments).

3. Random Number Generation The verifier $V$ selects random numbers $\beta,\gamma \in F$ and sends them to the prover $P$ .

4. Aggregation Polynomial The prover $P\ $computes a polynomial $Z \in F_{< n + 1}\lbrack X\rbrack$ and the function values of the binary polynomial aggregation $F(\beta,\gamma)/G(\beta,\gamma)$ , satisfying the following properties:

$$Z(g) = 1,$$

$$Z\left( g^{i} \right) = \frac{(1 + \beta)^{i - 1} \cdot \prod_{j < i}^{}\left( \gamma + f_{j} \right) \cdot \prod_{1 < j < i}^{}\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + t_{j} + \beta \cdot t_{j + 1} \right)}{\prod_{1 < j < i}^{}\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + s_{j} + \beta \cdot s_{j + 1} \right)\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + s_{n + j} + \beta \cdot s_{n + j + 1} \right)},$$

$$Z\left( g^{n + 1} \right) = 1.$$

The prover $P$ then sends $Z$ to the trusted third party $I$ .

5. Consistency Verification The verifier $V$ checks whether $Z$ satisfies the following consistency conditions (for $x \in H$ ):

$$L_{1}(x)\left( Z(x) - 1 \right) = 0,$$

$$\left( x - g^{n + 1} \right)Z(x)(1 + \beta) \cdot \left( \gamma + f(x) \right)\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + t(x) + \beta \cdot t(g \cdot x) \right) =$$

$$\left( x - g^{n + 1} \right)Z(g \cdot x)\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + h_{1}(x) + \beta \cdot h_{1}(g \cdot x) \right)\left( \gamma(1 + \beta) + h_{2}(x) + \beta \cdot h_{2}(g \cdot x) \right),$$

$$L_{n + 1}(x)\left( h_{1}(x) - h_{2}(g \cdot x) \right) = 0,$$

$$L_{n + 1}(x)\left( Z(x) - 1 \right) = 0.$$

If all four conditions hold, the verifier accepts; otherwise, it rejects.

Security and Proof Length Analysis

  • If $\{ t\left( g^{i} \right)\}_{i \in \lbrack n + 1\rbrack} ⊄ \{ f\left( g^{i} \right)\}_{i \in \lbrack n\rbrack}$ , then an adversary $A$ impersonating the prover $P$ will have a negligible probability of making the verifier $V$ accept.
  • The proof length in this protocol is $5n + 4$ .

Thus, when $F \equiv G$ , it follows that $f \subset t$ . This demonstrates that the prover's witness exists in the publicly correct dataset, ensuring the correctness of input-output constraints and verifying the correctness of the prover's computation.

5 Conclusion

The Lookup Argument has extensive applications in zero-knowledge proofs, including:

  • General Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems: Optimizing constraint verification processes.
  • Scalable Verification: Supporting large datasets or complex computations with minimal overhead.
  • Efficient Membership Testing: Verifying whether private inputs belong to a set of valid values.

The Lookup Argument is a fundamental component of modern cryptographic protocols, enabling efficient and secure membership proofs. By leveraging polynomial commitments, random challenges, and witness generation, it ensures the soundness, completeness, and privacy of the protocol. It plays a crucial role in constructing scalable, robust, and secure zero-knowledge proof systems.

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